
About Us

Swiss Center is a company that on the first step thinks about qualty. Qualty in services and Production. Our products have to be in front of conditions of all qualty standards


In the spring of 2006 the SWISS BETA GmbH was founded by the brothers of Bilali's and leading successful today with 35 employees in Switzerland and abroad with companies offering the customer always TOP quality. The brothers only Baumontagen carried out at the beginning. Shortly afterwards, they were able to take over the SWISS Center abroad and thus they began with in-house production. Their goal was to be achieved by their determination to a popular company. 2006 Grüdung of SWISS beta window and entrance doors 2007 Acquisition of SWISS CENTER in Macedonia 2008 SWISS BETA introduces the in-house production and is market leader in abroad 2009 SWISS encounter BETA with a new concept on the Swiss market.


SWISS edited BETA the market segments of alterations and new construction. They offer solutions for the personal needs and various desires. Will you succeed with carefully selected products and effective methods in selected market segments, SWISS need BETA employees who are ready at the service of the customer to give their best. The interaction of these axes makes BETA SWISS a complementary and productive main company of SWISS CENTER.


Die in unserem Werk, erstellten Bauelemente können flexibel in Neu- und Umbauten eingesetzt werden. Alle Elemente werden durch unsere ausge- wiesenen SWISS BETA Monteure fachgerecht montiert.Als Fachleute am Bau führen sie jeden Auftrag professionell und zuverlässig aus.

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